Blood stem cells
IN PHOTO: A microscopic view of bone marrow in an undated image. Stem cells taken from bone marrow replenished the radiation-ravaged immune systems and bone marrow of mice and can also make brain and liver cells, scientists reported on Monday. REUTERS/DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/HANDOUT

Epidemia, an apparel maker that launched a Kickstarter campaign recently with a $15,000 fundraising goal, has caught the attention of a number of tech and news outlets for its unique design philosophy. The company is probably the first brand to print biological images of cells and neurons into its products.

“The inspiration for Epidemia came from studying microscopic images in my biology lab course, as well as coming across similar images in an article I read about the history of epidemics. I kept noticing how beautiful the images were,” said Lizzie Cochran, the company's designer, in a report by Ubergizmo. Epidemia aims to be a leader in fitness apparel and leggings.

Cochran noted that her clothing line targets younger people in hopes of making science "more interesting and accessible" to them. She also added that girls are a primary audience.

According to CNET, Cochran is on her way to medical school at the University of Texas San Antonio this year, 2015, and dreams of becoming a paediatric surgeon. She also plans to obtain a Master’s degree in public health with a particular focus on global health issues.

CNET added that Cochran, in her commitment to her causes, will donate 15 percent of her profits "to organizations that bring high-quality medical care to those who need it around the world—especially in the form of vaccinations."

Hopefully, those buying her apparel items would feel the same as well. After all, what one wears could influence one's disposition, as a series of five studies done in the United States had demonstrated.

Science and technology, indeed, are influential in almost everything people to do. As a nod to advances in the fields, brands have been integrating innovations in the field into their items by using the latest high-performance and quality fabrics.

In the underwear segment, for instance, Naked Brand Group, Inc. has incorporated the use of a high-performance fabric called X-Static, which can stabilise a person's body temperature as he or she travels or perform sports, for its Silver collection. According to the brand's Web site, the Silver collection is made from 99.9 percent pure silver bonded woven into the clothing's nylon thread. The collection also offers odour and bacterial protection. Meanwhile, the company's Tencel Hybrid underwear makes use of the eco-friendly and sustainable Tencel fabric which is durable and moisture-wicking, keeping irritations and odour at bay.

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