U.S. President Barack Obama Speaks During Memorial Day Ceremonies At Arlington National Cemetery In Virginia
U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during Memorial Day ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia May 26, 2014. Reuters

British Prime Minister David Cameron and U.S. President Barack Obama have called on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) to confront the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, to thwart terrorism in the Middle East. The world leaders said they will "not be cowed by barbaric killers.

In a joint opinion piece, the Mr Obama and Mr Cameron said they will not waver in their decision to confront the militants. The statement published in the Times of London on Sept. 4 contained strong words from the UK and the U.S. leaders.

In a NATO meeting in Wales, efforts to form an international coalition against ISIS have dominated despite the official agenda of reducing the tension in Ukraine. NATO Secretary-General Andres Fogh Rasmussen said the international community has the responsibility to stop ISIS.

Meanwhile, in an apparent effort to remain a strong force to reckon with in the extremist world, Al Qaeda has decided to expand its network in India. According to reports, a recruitment ad was recently released to reiterate the message that Al Qaeda will continue to "wage jihad against its enemies."

The video footage showed Al Qaeda chief Ayman al Zawahri announcing that the result of efforts made more than two years ago is finally achieved with the expansion of the group in the Indian subcontinent.

Following the release of the video, at least three Indian states with the greatest number of Muslims have been placed on high alert. Reports said there was no sign of an increased security presence in the areas.

The video may be seen as an effort to raise the profile of Al Qaeda now that ISIS has become the centre of attention in the international jihad movement. ISIS has recently beheaded two American journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff. The militants have also seized large areas in Iraq and Syria.

According to Zawahiri, the group that will be recruited in India will "raise the flag of jihad, return Islamic rule and empower the Shariah of Allah."

Rajnath Singh, Home Minister of India, met with top security and intelligence officials to discuss the seriousness of Al Qaeda's threat, reports said.