Brit Marling (6998271749)
Brit Marling Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

There are several questions that “The OA” season 1 has left viewers with. The next instalment of the show is expected to provide answers to these questions, which include what the OA really means and what the real deal is with Dr Hunter Hap (Jason Isaacs).

Those who have tuned in to the Netflix original series during its first instalment know that Prairie (Brit Marling) has stopped using her name after she went through another Near Death Experience (NDE). The NDE has occurred in Hap’s underground prison cell. Since then, she opted to be called OA.

In “The OA” season 1 episode 5, Marling has described herself as the “original angel.” This has led some viewers to assume that the OA actually means original angel.

However, the real meaning of OA was never officially confirmed during the first season. Fans are hoping that OA’s meaning will be revealed in “The OA” season 2.

It is also interesting to see the real deal with Dr Hunter Hap. “The OA” season 1 viewers would remember him as a scientist trying to learn more about NDE. He repetitively watches people die in order to find evidence of existence after death.

Debrief notes that Dr Hunter Hap is a tricky character to figure out. Fans are hoping to learn more about him, his origin and what inspired him to do what he does.

“The OA” season 2 is also expected to reveal where Hap is. Last season, Dr Hunter Hap dumped Prairie by the side of a road. He has warned her that if she gets back, he will be gone in another dimension. He could be in a different dimension in season 2, but it is also possible that he travelled back to Earth so he can watch over Prairie.

“The OA” season 1 was shown in Australia on Netflix. Air date for its second season is yet to be announced.