Despite the denial by a prostitute that she had sex with embattled MP Craig Thomson, the lawmaker representing Dobell continues to be hounded by public perception that he had extramarital affair with women engaged in the flesh trade.

Thus, when Mr Thomson complained of being strip searched by New South Wales Police, NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell defended the procedure as a standard one for people arrested, and it was not meant to intimidate the MP accused of misusing Health Services Union (HSU) funds.

"I'd only be concerned if there was special treatment meted out to any member of parliament," Mr O'Farrell said.

"I think Mr Thomson and his lawyer need to calm down a bit - after all, the allegation surrounding Craig Thomson are that he was too ready to take his clothes off in front of strangers in exchange for money," he pointed out.

On Friday, Detective Superintendent Col Dyson from the NSW fraud squad confirmed that no police officer was around when the strip search happened.

Lawyer Chris McArdle, the legal counsel of Mr Thomson, described the strip search made by two prison guards on the NSW Central Coast on Thursday as "these two goons put on rubber gloves, one stood in front of him, one stood behind him, and they said take off your shirt . . . They examined the shirt to see if there were any Molotov cocktails . . . He had to take all of his clothes off and stand naked in front of these two galoots who then took him into the court and sate each side of him."

Following the premier's cheeky comment, the MP's lawyer threatened to file a lawsuit against Mr O'Farrell, but the politician said he has nothing to apologise.

"He (the premier) has used his credibility to prejudge our client. This is utterly and completely unacceptable," Fairfax Radio quoted Mr McArdle.

Since the scandal broke, Mr Thomson has denied the charges filed against him by Fair Work Australia and added he found it odd the strip search was conducted he appeared in court on the 149 fraud charges.

On Friday, the civil penalty case against the MP was adjourned and would likely be stayed, but criminal charges will proceed. The federal court case was adjourned for one month as it waits for more information about criminal charges against Mr Thomson.

On the same day, his lawyer cited a ruling from the House of Representatives' Clerk that MPs cannot be required to attend court when the lawmaker is also required to be in Parliament.

Even before his arrest and strip search, Mr Thomson was considered a pariah in Parliament, having been kicked out of the Labor caucus and rejected by the Coalition.

The Gillard government, already suffering from plummeting voter confidence, saw Mr Thomson more as a liability, that he was dropped like a hot potato by the party.

Mr Thomson's woes were caused by his allegedly misusing HSU funds.

Specifically, using HSU credit cards to pay for services of prostitutes

Despite his denials, Mr Thomson would definitely find it hard to convince Aussies that he is telling the truth