A list released on Tuesday by Condomania.com named North Dakota as the state with the highest number of orders of large-sized condoms, hinting North Dakotan males have the largest penises in the U.S.

Neighbouring state South Dakota claimed the third spot, while Rhode Island is second. Rounding up the top 5 states with men with the biggest genitals are the District of Columbia in 4th place and Massachusetts in 5th place.

Time Magazine, however, burst the bubble of Dakotans, noting that the data of the online condom store is based on size of condoms that customers order, but it could also mean that these guys may not necessarily be the biggest, but maybe only lacks self-awareness.

Based on the list, Time noted the absence of the state of Georgia, leading the magazine to ask if there are no penises in that state.

Condomania's Nicole Donnelly said in a statement, "We are happy that we can provide condoms for every size penis ... We have condoms of all sizes to every state in the country. We are happy that men are getting the right size to maximize their pleasure."

The online store stand's supports the politically correct statement that the size does not really matter that much. However, in the case of comedian and actor Patrick Moote, his girlfriend turned down his marriage proposal done publicly allegedly because of his petite size down there, Huffington Post reports.


The rejection prompted Mr Moote to make a documentary regarding penis size, titled Unhung Hero.

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Meanwhile, here is Condomania's complete list with rankings.

  1. North Dakota
  2. Rhode Island
  3. South Dakota
  4. District of Columbia
  5. Massachusetts
  6. Ohio
  7. Arizona
  8. Alabama
  9. New York
  10. South Carolina
  11. Colorado
  12. Maryland
  13. Wisconsin
  14. New Jersey
  15. California
  16. Florida
  17. Connecticut
  18. Virginia
  19. Oregon
  20. Pennsylvania
  21. Washington
  22. Tennessee
  23. New Mexico
  24. Iowa
  25. Illinois
  26. Louisiana
  27. Vermont
  28. Utah
  29. Maine
  30. Nebraska
  31. Idaho
  32. Kansas
  33. Delaware
  34. Michigan
  35. Nevada
  36. New Hampshire
  37. Oklahoma
  38. Montana
  39. Minnesota
  40. Kentucky
  41. Texas
  42. Indiana
  43. West Virginia
  44. Missouri
  45. Alaska
  46. North Carolina
  47. Wyoming
  48. Arkansas
  49. Hawaii
  50. Mississippi