IN PHOTO: A security guard stands in front of a 3D painting outside a "haunted house" in Hefei, Anhui province December 31, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer

Four U.S. police officers, who rescued a trapped baby from a car, claimed that they had been guided by a mysterious voice. The officers said that they had heard “help” by a female voice from inside the overturned car in an icy Utah river.

The voice is believed to be mysterious because the woman who was driving of the car was already dead by the time the officers reached. The 18-month-old baby girl could not be the one to call for help even though she was alive. The mother, Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck, was killed in the crash. Officer Bryan Dewitt said that the only people inside the car were the deceased mother and the child.

Lily Groesback, the baby girl rescued from the car, was strapped in the back seat of her mother’s car. The car was dangerously hanging upside down in 40-degree river water when Officer Jared Warner of the Spanish Fork Police Department reached the scene. "We've gotten together and just talking about it, and all four of us can swear that we heard somebody inside the car saying: Help," he said.

The 25-year-old mother went to visit her parents in Salem. She was driving home to Springville when the car went off the road. It was around 10:30 p.m. on Friday. A fisherman noticed the car about fourteen hours later and called police. It is still unknown what caused the car to go off the road.

When Dewitt reached the scene, he heard a “distinct voice” saying “Help me.” Officer Tyler Beddoes, one of the four officers who claim to have heard the voice, said that the voice was not in their heads but “plain as day.” He said that Dewitt had even replied to the call and said that they were trying their best to get in there. Beddoes added that the voice did not sound like it belonged to a child.

Fire-fighters Paul Taultomadakis and Lee Mecham helped the officers rescue the baby. While Mecham jumped up and held the door, Taultomadakis got down inside, grabbed the baby girl, lifted her out of the water and unhooked the car seat. Taultomadakis said that the baby still had some life in her when he got hold of her. She was admitted to Primary Children's Hospital on Sunday. According to reports, her condition was improving.

Contact the writer: s.mukhopadhyay@IBTimes.com.au