Tanya Vaiman, 23, adjusts her crown after winning the annual "Fat and Beautiful" beauty pageant
Tanya Vaiman, 23, adjusts her crown after winning the annual "Fat and Beautiful" beauty pageant in the southern city of Beersheba January 15, 2011. 21 women weighing between 80kg and 110kg took part in the national contest. Picture taken January 15, 2011. REUTERS/Amir Cohen (ISRAEL - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY ODDLY) Reuters

Staying slim and trim is the latest fad. Everybody wants a body like the celebrities. But the question is how far would one go to meet the media set standards of beauty?

A girl from Florida was secretly fed with tapeworm eggs by her mother; the daughter too was unaware of it. She was rushed to the emergency room (ER) when she began experiencing terrible stomach pain. At first, the nurses thought that she was pregnant but the ultrasound revealed that the girl was not pregnant. They also discovered that her intestines were swollen.

It was not until she used the toilet when they found out the real reason for her stomach pain. The ER nurse, Maricar Cabral-Osori, stated that she found the toilet bowl full of long tapeworms after the girl used it.

The girl was featured in an episode of the medical re-enactment show, Untold Stories of the ER. The nurse in the episode described the incident. She said that the sight of those worms was so gross and some of them were extremely long, wiggling around. They were trying to get out of the toilet bowl. "She had pooped all these tapeworms," Cabral-Osori said.

The news caught the media attention, when the show was aired on Discovery's "Fit & Health" channel, reported United Press International. On the show, the nurse also stated that when the mother was questioned regarding the worms and on how the girl could have obtained so many tape worms, she turned pale and was unable to answer. "We were wondering how did she get those tapeworms? And then we saw the mom turn white," Cabral-Osorio said.

When the girl found out, her mother began apologizing and she told her that she had done such a thing just to make her a "little skinnier," the nurse explained. Describing the events further, she said that the mother also told the daughter, "You needed some help before we went on the beauty pageant."

Her mother bought the tapeworm eggs in Mexico and had fed them to the daughter to make her lose weight and prepare her for the beauty pageant. It is still unknown whether her mother will face criminal charges for this terrible act.