Sewage Suction Tanker
A sewage suction tanker for sale in Alibaba

It is not just Rio 2016 Olympics rowers who are grappling with the poop-filled Guanabara Bay. Motorists in Moscow experienced faeces spills on a street near the Altufyevo subway station when a sewage suction tanker filled with poop burst on Monday and spewed its contents in all directions.

Mashable reports that worst hit by the rain of faeces water were a white car on the left of the tanker and a white city bus on its right. At least the windows of the two vehicles were closed.

The video of the sewage suction tanker explosion was captured by the dashboard camera of a car one vehicle behind a yellow cab with was following the tanker. The owner of the vehicle with the film clip passed by the tanker whose cabin appears to be intact.

Despite the bacteria and germs, plus the terrible smell and mess the accident caused, no one was apparently injured in the tanker blast, although it likely “scarred a few people for life” as they witnessed shit hit their cars.

VIDEO: Sewage truck explodes, sends poop water flying everywhere

Source: NewDay