Born This Way singer, Lady Gaga, is celebrating her 27th birthday today, March 29. To mark the occasion, some her 35 million followers in Twitter have come up with compilations of her outstanding looks ranging from attires that are very unLady Gaga to crazy style highlights she made in the past 12 months., for instance, noted that Lady Gaga is known for being a fashion forward as well as often backward, but pointed out that there were at least 27 times when she toned it down a bit.

Here's a sample from's album of a normal-looking Lady Gaga.

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Grazia_Live opted to celebrate her idol's natal day by coming up with 10 of Lady Gaga's Crazy Style Highlights of the Year. Here are three of them.

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Her outlandish style is a signature look of Lady Gaga, but like other celebrities she looks quite different when without make-up and wigs as seen below.

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The singer, who was born at the Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, has so many looks ranging from shaved head to naked poses with mini soldiers crawling across her body and a helmet made of flowers.

Still had not your fill of the outlandish lady birthday celebrant? Here are some more.

And of course, no Lady Gaga tribute is complete with a peek at her meat dress

as well as a view of the Born This Way MTV which has so far received more than 106 million hits.