Hollywood is a strange place where many actors follow cults and become part of it to achieve something. Some actors imbibe Scientology like Tom Cruise while others like Madonna become part of mysterious cult called Kabbalah. The latest actor to reveal such cult following is Michelle Pfeiffer who says she "became involved" with a mysterious "diet controlling" couple.

In a recent interview with The Telegraph this week, the actress revealed that she became a part of the cult where not eating was one of the ways to achieve spirituality. The couple followed a cult that was based on the ideology of breatharianism - the ability to live without food and water.

"They believed that people in their highest state were breatharian," said Pfeiffer. The couple, who she described as "very controlling" convinced her living without food or water was a path to spiritual enlightenment.

The 55-year-old actress called the couple as "kind of personal trainers" who urged her to visit them frequently and she was forced to pay for each trip. The "cult" became "financially very draining" for the then young Michelle who was ultimately saved from it when she met her future husband, Peter Horton.

Horton and Pfeiffer were then researching on the "Moonies" script which was another alleged cult film and it was then that the 20 something Michelle realised what she was following was not right. Pfeiffer escaped almost unharmed, though the meetings drained her financially.

The gorgeous actress also revealed that she has never taken help on plastic surgery but is open to anything to stay young. "The loss of youth, the loss of beauty - it definitely plays havoc with your psyche. There's this transition from, 'Wow, she looks really young for her age,' to, 'She looks great for her age.' ... There is certainly a mourning process to that," the Golden Globe Award winning actress said.

"I used to think I would never have surgery but it's really hard to say never," the mother-of-two said.