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Today, Jan 17, a Friday, is the birthday of U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama, who becomes a golden girl.

At 50, Mrs Obama said she does not feel the need for Botox injections or other cosmetic procedures as some women her age do, but she is not closing her door if the time comes and she feels she needs it.

"Women should have the freedom to do whatever they need to do to feel good about themselves ... Right now, I don't imagine that I would go that route, but I've also learned to never say never," The Irish Examiner quoted her interview with People magazine.

If the first lady does not feel the need now for beauty enhancement treatments, it's because of the healthy lifestyle that she is living by sticking to her workout routine aimed at maintaining her healthy body and svelte physique 20 and even 30 years later.

That means shifting from lifting weights and other heavy cardio workouts and even running to exercises such as yoga to keep her body flexible.

Other than her workout, Mrs Obama also faithfully goes through regular health checkups, including mammograms and cervical smear tests as well as colonoscopy.

And of course, she watches her food intake. "I don't obsess about what I eat, but I do make sure that I'm eating vegetables and fruit," the half-a-century first lady said.

Although her birthday falls on a Friday, the dance party to celebrate the big event, hosted by President Barack Obama at the White House, will be on Saturday, Jan 18.