More evidence is cropping up indicating the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was hijacked by its own pilot, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah. The 53-year-old aviator appeared to have done it as a form of government protest,

Daily Mail reports that Mr Zaharie is "a fanatical supporter" of Anwar Ibrahim, former deputy prime minister of Malaysia and current opposition leader. Mr Anwar was sentenced last week to five years prison term for sodomy.

The plane disappeared a day after the court decision against Mr Anwar while the jet was on its way to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur. On that day, the pilot was pictured wearing a T-shirt with the message "Democracy is Dead," and was seen attending the trial of Mr Anwar at a court in Putrajaya. By 9 pm of the same day, he left for the airport to fly the ill-fated jet.

The daily also reported that Mr Zaharie's wife and three children left their home before the Boeing 777 went missing.

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Malaysian authorities raided on Sunday the pilot's residence in Kuala Lumpur and found a flight simulator that he built. A senior police official said the simulator appear to normal ones that players can use to practice flying and landing in different conditions.

Supporters of the Opposition leader believe he was just framed up and the conviction is part of a smear campaign by the current government led by Prime Minister Najib Razak.