iPad App can Improve Vision by Training the Eyes
Wearing contact lens is no longer the only solution if someone wants to change the colour of his or her eyes. By using laser, Stroma Medical, a California company, could changes the colour of the eyes from brown to blue which only 17 percent of the global population have.iPad App can Improve Vision by Training the Eyes Reuters

Wearing contact lens is no longer the only solution if someone wants to change the colour of his or her eyes.

By using laser, Stroma Medical, a California company, could changes the colour of the eyes from brown to blue which only 17 percent of the global population have.

Gregg Homer, president of Stroma Medical, explains, “The fundamental principle is that under every brown eye is a blue eye,” quotes CNN.

He adds, “If you take that pigment away, then the light can enter the stroma – the little fibers that look like the bicycle spokes in a light eye – and when the light scatters it only reflects back the shortest wavelengths and that’s the blue end of the spectrum.”

But while the laser treatment takes 20 seconds, it could take weeks for the blue tint to emerge.

The company has tested the technology in Latin America for years but could not yet offer the procedure in the US because the researchers believe more clinical trials are needed before it applies for approval with the US FDA.

According to Stroma, it has done 37 successful treatments in Mexico and Costa Rica. But if it would get the FDA okay, the procedure is expected to cost a whopping $5,000.

However, one ophthalmologist have warned that shedding the pigment “could clog up drainage channels in the eye, increasing pressure and the risk for glaucoma.”

To contact the writer, email: v.hernandez@ibtimes.com.au