Humans are not born with perfect bodies. Most gain or lose more weight than they intended. Some people feel full even after only eating half of the food on their plates. You can't gain weight if you don't have more healthy food inside of you. Eating more healthy food is essential to gaining weight. You cannot achieve your ideal weight by eating little. Here are some tips on how you can eat more food without feeling full:

Eat slowly

Some people chew and swallow their way into their plate in just minutes. You need to take it slow since eating faster will only make you feel fuller right away. Eating fast also causes you to overeat.

Eat gluten-free food for weight watchers

Gluten is a kind of protein usually found in some grains, cereals and wheat. In food production, gluten is added to keep the elasticity of food, making bread more chewable. The presence of gluten also keeps other types of food from having a doughy texture.

If you choose to be on a gluten-free diet, you will be actually keeping unhealthy food away from your body. Being on a gluten-free diet means steering clear of sugary sweet desserts and fried food. Processed food also contains gluten including artificial flavoring. Eliminating processed food from your diet will let you focus more on protein-rich food to help you gain weight.

A gluten-free diet means eating more fruits and vegetables. These are non-starchy foods so eating them will take you a longer time to get full. Gluten-free grains are usually low in fiber. You can also eat more without feeling so full afterwards.

Eating frequent small meals a day keeps you from overeating. Photo Credit: Venus Buzz

Have frequent meals

Eating small meals a day instead of the regular 3 meals can help you eat more to gain weight. In order to put more meat into a skinny frame, you need to eat as much food as you can the healthy way. You can't do this if you feel full right away.

To help you eat more without getting full, start eating small meals in a day. If you spread out your calorie-intake in certain times of a day, you can get more inside your stomach without feeling sick. Eat calorie-rich foods in your small meals. Don't eat junk food in between these meals since you increase your chances of being full without getting any calories.

Learn the right serving size

If there are 3 or more kinds of food on your table, you can eat all of them without feeling full. The secret is to portion each of the food so you can eat more. A serving of meat doesn't mean a whole slab of steak. You can cut and slice the meat into smaller portions. If there are vegetables, do not go overboard by getting a large bowl. You can enjoy eating more food if you take them in small portions throughout the day rather than in one sitting.

Do cardio exercises

Working out before a meal will always make you hungry for food after. You can build a light sweat before a planned meal by doing cardio exercises. Not only is this good for keeping your heart healthy, exercising also lets you enjoy more food during a meal. An intense workout will stimulate your appetite for food since the body loses energy during exercise. If you are trying to gain weight, this is the time to eat calorie-dense foods. You'll be packing away the calories in no time.

Avoid eating mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are fatty foods. The more fat is in the food, the longer time it will take to break it down and prepare it for digestion. If the breakdown of food inside your stomach is slow, the faster you will run out of space for more food. If you still want to eat more servings of food, it's better to avoid the fattiest food on your plate.

Save drinks for last

Some people believe in drinking a glass of water in between courses to clamp down on food in your stomach. You should know this is only a myth. Drinking water or any kind of beverage during a meal will only make you feel fuller. You can actually feel full just by drinking liquids and eating a little amount of food. If you want to eat and enjoy more of your food, you can save the drinks until you have eaten your last bite.