For kids aspiring to acquire wizardry knowledge and skills, inspired no doubt after watching the Harry Potter series, they can now enroll for free at a nine-week online training course.

The course was created by a group of die-hard Harry Potter fans. Those who want to enlist should visit the Web site (HiH).

Among the subjects listed in the curriculum are Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology, History of Magic and Transfiguration. There are actual homework, quizzes and grades. Textbooks are available at Dragon Alley.

However, the Web site is not linked to Warner Brothers which produced the hit movie series, or J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books.

Another Harry Potter institute was set up ahead of this one called Pottermore, reported The Wire. But Pottermore got mixed reviews, thus the new HiH is seen as a welcome development for Harry Potter fans who want to continue their fantasies of following the boy wizard's footsteps.

The Wire wrote, "With HiH and a trip to Universal's expanding Potter theme park, we can all pretend our 11th birthdays didn't come and go without an owl dropping a Hogwarts letter on our doorstep."

By the way, Time warned that while the H1H online course is free, don't expect a pet owl arriving by courier to your homes.