Gwen Stefani, who was on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” to promote her new album “This Is What the Truth Feels Like,” was in for a surprise when DeGeneres asked her about Blake Shelton popping “the big question” after showing some PDA moments of the couple. The way DeGeneres asked was most amazing.

“When he popped the big question – about you being his mentor – how did he do that?,” DeGeneres, 58, asked Stefani.

She was so natural in asking the question that Stefani couldn’t help but giggle before answering the question with another question, “Did you rehearse that before?”

Stefani, 46, was surely tickled by the question and the play of words. She was also asked about her upcoming stint as an adviser for Blake Shelton's team on “The Voice.”

“I want to be on that show as much as possible… That show, it's hard to talk without laughing… I got so much out of it,” Stefani replied smiling.

However, DeGeneres didn’t leave it at that. She quickly said “You did!” clearly referencing Stefani’s ongoing romance with Shelton.

“Oh my God! You're so good. You're so good at your job. This show is like… I just come on and giggle and laugh, it's so embarrassing,” Stefani said finding hard to control her laugh.

Stefani has been keeping real busy since she went public about her romance. She completed her new solo album in just few weeks and even filmed a live music video for her new song “Make Me Like You,” which is a song she wrote about Shelton during a Grammys commercial break.

“I do get nervous, especially TV. There was something about that time that I sort of wasn't [though]. I was in constant prayer for three days straight because I was like, ‘How am I going to do this?,’” Stefani explained to DeGeneres.

Watch Gwen on Blake Popping the Question here.

Source: YouTube/TheEllenShow