'The Flash'
A promo poster of the TV series "The Flash." Facebook/The Flash

In Season 2 Episode 17 of “The Flash,” Barry (Grant Gustin) went back in time to meet the old Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh), who had the formula to increase his speed. A Time Wraith also wreaks havoc in Central City, looking for speedsters.

In the recently concluded episode, Barry was determined to return back in time to learn how to boost his speed from the old Dr. Wells, or Eobard Thawne. The team was devastated after finding out that Zoom was Jay Garrick all along, so Barry was set more than ever to defeat him. They discovered that Zoom and Reverse-Flash was able to run faster because their feet was less in contact with the ground.

So Barry travelled back in time to meet Wells and asked for his help. Wells suspected that Barry might be up to something, especially when a Time Wraith, who abhors speedsters, suddenly arrived in Central City. Wells knocked out Barry and caged him. Wells asked about his plans.

Initially, Wells feared that if Barry was still alive in the future, his plan failed, which means that he had to recalibrate. However, Barry lied to Wells, saying that he was successful in the future and that he only needed more speed to stop the singularity that was made. Wells was about to kill Barry but the latter tricked him by saying that he left a hidden letter for his other self to read, showing all of Eobard’s secrets.

The Time Wraith later attacked S.T.A.R. Labs, but the other Barry suddenly appeared and faced his older version. Wells was confused who the real Barry was and proceeded to take the older Barry and provide him with the speed equation that he came for. His younger self helped him return to the time tunnel with the Time Wraith.

Upon returning to S.T.A.R. Labs, Hartley immediately hit the wraith to stop it in time. Barry showed the flash drive from Wells which included the data he needed.

Later, Barry revealed that he also brought back a video from Eddie to record when he was still alive. The video was supposed to be for Iris’s (Candice Patton) birthday. They watched the clip as tears flowed down Iris’s face.

"The Flash" season 2 episode 18, titled "Versus Zoom," airs April 19 on The CW in the US, and on April 20 on Fox8 in Australia.

Check out the official trailer here.

Source: YouTube/The CW Television Network