With the qualifications set by the producers of "Fifty Shades of Grey", it seems that fans have found a replacement for Alexis Bledel as Anastasia Steele. Alexis has been replaced by a younger actress for the part opposite Matt Bomer. Fans of "Fifty" clearly agree that Lily Collins as Ana would be the perfect match to Matt Bomer as Christian Grey.

Given the casting call qualifications, producers want good-looking females between the ages 20 to 25 for the part of Anastasia Steele. Obviously, 31-year old Alexis Bledel of "Gilmore Girls" has a long shot for being cast in the film adaptation. This of course has led fans of the Alexis Bledel and Matt Bomer pairing to think of a suitable replacement.

This replacement comes in the form of Lily Collins of "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones." In fact, quite a few fan-made trailers on the web feature Lily Collins as Ana opposite Matt Bomer as Christian. Collins is slowly making a name for herself in the Hollywood biz as one of the most fashionable actresses.

Judging from the attires Collins has been gracing for the red carpet, Lily has the equal amount of innocence and playfulness for the part of Ana. This of course isn't the first time Collins has been eyed for the kinky part. Fans may recall that Lily was also a strong favourite along with "Harry Potter's" Emma Watson, "Hunger Games" Jennifer Lawrence and "Divergent's" Shailene Woodley for the part of Ana.

Check out the slideshow to see more of Lily Collins as Ana paired off with Matt Bomer as Chris. Could they pull off the racy chemistry onscreen as Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele?