Two new Hollywood hunks are battling it out for the role of Christian Grey in the highly-anticipated film adaptation for "Fifty Shades of Grey." Joseph Gordon-Levitt is up against Hugh Dancy all thanks to their latest movies and TV series. The big question now is who is best set to play Grey, Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Hugh Dancy?

Universal Studios and Focus Features have yet to announce an official cast for "Fifty Shades of Grey." Of course, leave the speculation of the casting to obsessed fans of E.L. James best-selling erotica novel. Countless web polls have already been up on the web with hundreds of Hollywood stars named as potentials to portray Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.

Now, it looks as if two new names have been added to the hype for the role of Christian Grey. Since Joseph Gordon-Levitt released the trailer of his directional debut, "Don Jon" the reviews have been nothing but great. Fans of "Fifty Shades" have even claimed this may be the right time for JGL to star in the BDSM-themed film. The short description of JGL's film "Don Jon" is as follows.

"Jon Martello (Gordon-Levitt) is a modern day "Don Juan" who objectifies everything in his life... especially women. His friends call him Don Jon because of his ability to pull "10s" every weekend without fail. But his addiction to porn has made him dissatisfied with life and he sets out on a journey to find a more gratifying sex life. However, he ends up seeing the bigger picture and learning more about life and love through two different women (Scarlett Johansson as Barbara and Julianne Moore as Esther)."

So who is up against Levitt this time around for the role of Grey? Well, UK fans would clearly know everything there is to Hugh Dancy. Dancy isn't a big household name but the British hunk is certainly making waves in his latest series, "Hannibal." Dancy plays the special agent, Will Graham, who has this particular passion of seeing the crimes through the murderer's eye.

Clearly, both guys have the look but the big question is who has the right acting skills to portray Christian Grey? Check out the slideshow and decide which star is better, Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Hugh Dancy.