Producers of the "Fifty Shades of Grey" film are moving forward from the Charlie Hunnam mishap by searching for possible actors to replace him. Reports has it that two actors are currently eyed by film producers namely Jamie Dornan and Alexander Skarsgard. Given both stars have the right looks and experience for the part, which actor is much suited for the role?

In a report by The Hollywood Reporter, "True Bloods'" Alexander Skarsgard and "Once Upon a Times'" Jamie Dornan are in the lead to play Christian Grey. This isn't the first time Skarsgard has been eyed for the BDSM-role. In fact, Alexander claimed he was born to play the part back in an interview with E! Online in May of 2012.

"He's got a sex chamber? My character has that on True Blood. He's got his little dungeon," stated Skarsgard, adding, "I was born to play that part."

Well, Alexander may be "born" for the part but there is certainly another hunk that could be "destined" for it. The 31-year old actor from "Once Upon a Time" is the latest eye candy for the part of Christian Grey. Judging from Jamie's sexual shoot with Eva Mendes for Calvin Klein, getting down and dirty might be easy.

Of course, producers have the final say in the casting. Hopefully, the actor they choose for the part of Christian Grey this time around doesn't get "cold feet." For fans of E.L. James erotica novel, who should play the part of Christian Grey? Should it be Alexander Skarsgard, the sadomasochistic lover from "True Blood," or Jamie Dornan, the beloved hunter from "Once Upon a Time?"

Check out the slideshow to see more of these two hot actors eyed for the part and decide who is best suited for "Fifty Shades of Grey."