Emma Watson in London Premiere of Film "Noah"
Cast member Emma Watson arrives for the UK premiere of "Noah", Leicester Square, London, March 31, 2014. REUTERS

Contrary to what other celebrities do on their birthdays, Emma Watson celebrated it in a subtle style. In fact, the Hogwarts alumni didn't do much for celebrating. On her 24th birthday, the actress instead celebrated it by filming her next movie, "Regression."

Birthdays should always be a special day that calls for a round of drinks but for "Harry Potter" star, Emma Watson, it's like any other day that should be dedicated to work. The former Lancôme ambassadress didn't celebrate her 24th instead rolled in the mud in Canada for her 2015 film "Regression."

The film is directed by Alejandro Amenabar which is a thriller revolving around "a father who is convicted of sexually abusing his daughter, but has no recollection of the alleged crimes." (via Daily Mail) Opposite Emma Watson, the film also stars Ethan Hawke.

While the muddy Canadian set didn't seem like a place for celebration, Emma Watson called it a "very cool birthday present" according to her tweet.

"First day shooting Regression today - a very cool birthday present xx," tweeted Watson.

As for her part in "Regression," the 24-year old actress couldn't be any happier after being cast in the film.

"I am passionate about Alejandro and his work and am so happy to be collaborating with him. I'm really excited by the challenge my character presents to me as an actress... I can't wait to begin," said Watson early this year in a statement.

However, the celebration didn't just end on set. Several eyewitnesses claim to have seen Watson enjoy dinner with a friend at the Olivetree Deli Café.

"She seemed very happy, she had a big smile on her face," says the eyewitness in a report by E! Online.

During her "Harry Potter" days, Watson would receive gifts and cakes from the cast and crew on her birthday. Yet, the cast and crew of "Regression" failed to shower Watson with the same sentiments.

Watson did receive a sweet gift from a fan on Twitter which was a collage of all her films, where she replied with: "more to come :)"