The police killed at least 278 at protest camps in Cairo, which raises the question once again if the police are used as puppets by the government.

The bloody assault in Egypt occurred when the police used offensive tactics against the protesters who were the supporters of Mohamed Morsi, the Islamist president who had been ousted earlier. Gruesome images and videos of the bloodbath are spread in all the social networks. The world condemns the act of violence by the police.

On the other hand, this is not the first time in history when the police of a nation have been involved in a brutal activity against the people of that country.

Police Violence in U.S.

There have been several cases of police violence in the past. However, there have been various complaints of such activities against the U.S. police post 9/11. Numerous cases in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida and Georgia, among others, were recorded. It was in July 2010 when police officers shot Jason Kemp when the latter refused to permit the officers from entering his house with no search warrant. It was only this year when Colorado State Patrol paid $1 million to the Kemp family and changed its policies.

Police Violence in China

One of the most notorious incidents in the history of mankind happened in 1989 during the protests at the Tiananmen Square. The police have repeatedly tried to disrupt public protests in the last decades. The Chinese government is infamous for its endeavour to suppress media. Web activists are harshly treated by the police whenever they try to spread the word on a social network. Several harassment cases are reported against the Chinese police by the international media each year.

Police Violence in Russia

Vladimir Putin got re-elected in 2012. It was during that time when increased media attention was gained by the protests by the Russian people. There have been numerous incidences of police violence which are reported through online videos. The Russian police are often infamous for their blind loyalty to bureaucratic decisions which results in offending the citizens of the country.