Despite the fact that Miley Cyrus has been named MTV's Best Artist of 2013, not everyone is a fan of the "We Can't Stop" singer. In fact, quite a number of these antagonists hail from the same network Cyrus came from - Disney. Here are just a few Disney stars that have dissed Cyrus and her crazy antics.

Not everyone from Disney is supportive of Miley's latest tricks. In fact, some have said mean things though not directly aimed at the singer. Who could forget Selena's recent statement during her "Stars Dance" concert?

"All of these people that are telling you how to live your life or how good you are or.. you know, people tell me all the time that I am not sexy enough or I'm not cool enough. Or I would be cool if I did this," stated Gomez, adding, "But can I say one thing? One thing that I think is sexy is class."

Additional sources also claimed that Selena has been saying a few things about Cyrus' radical change. She says Cyrus's new image is a "mistake."

"Selena would never come right out and trash Miley but she does think Miley's making a mistake by being so raunchy. She thinks it's bad for women in general but also for her as an artist because it puts out the expectation that she should do that too because sex sells," states the source.

Gomez isn't the only Disney star to say something against Cyrus. In fact, her onscreen brother from "Wizards of Waverly Place" had biting words to say on Twitter.

"Girls. This whole sticking ur tongue out in photos thing? There's NO cute way 2do that. Believe me. I'm bout to start walking around w soap," states Henrie on his tweet.

Aside from Miley wannabes, Miley's the only star that seems to think sticking her tongue out for photos is photogenic. Also, the singer thinks having bleached eyebrows is a fashion statement as well. Of course, leave it to another Disney star to diss her latest antic.

"What is this 'bleached eyebrows/look like an alien' thing?? Is this for real?" stated Tiffany Thornton of "Sonny with a Chance."

The most recent Disney star to slam Cyrus is Chris Warren Jr. of "High School Musical." Apparently, he isn't a fan of nudity.

"Girls who are half naked at award shows or in videos ain't cute," tweets Chris.

Will the Disney dissing ever stop? Obviously, Miley couldn't care less as she's bound to make even more headlines with her scandalous acts.