IN PHOTO: Jairam Hathwar of Corning, New York, is comforted by his parents Roopa (L) and Sriram after he failed to spell "riegel" during the semi-final round of the 88th annual Scripps National Spelling Bee at National Harbor, Maryland May 28, 2015. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

There is a new parent on the horizon, the Cat Dad who is sensitive and emotionally close with his children. The cat dad is an antithesis of the super strict Tiger Mum who believes in strict discipline and punishment. The new Chinese TV series, “Tiger Mum Cat Dad,” has ignited a debate in the cyber sphere about the different parenting styles.

This show was inspired by Tiger Mum, Amy Chua’s book, The Battle Hymn for the Tiger Mum. The leading pair in the TV series is the chilled out “Cat Dad” and the fierce “Tiger Mum.” The series finale has the audience taking to micro-blogging sites like Sina Weibo to air their opinions.

According to the BBC, the Cat dad is emotionally close to his children and believes in hugs, helping out with homework and does not believe in punishment. He is the one who enjoys his time with the kids and even gives a hand before mum can even tell. The fierce Tiger Mum, like Amy Chua believes in strictly controlling her kids with no sleepovers, straight A’s in report cards, compulsory piano or violin studies and would not allow them to eat or drink till they followed all the rules.

Chua famously debated her parenting style with Cat Dad, Chang Zhitao who enjoyed creatively inspiring his children to do their work. “My daughter once had difficulties with a writing assignment. I didn't force her to go on. We played around, had some fun. Later she came up with a piece about how I inspired her to write. Very creative,” he said in the debate aired by International Channel Shanghai. Both their approaches seem to be valid as their children today are accepted to the prestigious Harvard University.

Actor Tong Dawei, who plays the Cat Dad in the show recently posted an image in Weibo, of him mending the pipes with his daughter. It got a huge reaction and also remarks like "As a man, I could in no way be like the Cat Dad."

For questions/comments regarding the article, you may email the writer at honeygeorge74.ibtimes@gmail.com.