Different Levels Of Cyberbullying In Young People (Ages 13-22)
IN PHOTO: Chart created using data from Ditch the Label's annual cyberbullying survey for 2013 shows that 37% of respondents aged 13-22 have experienced cyberbullying on a highly frequent basis and 20% of respondents have experienced extreme cyberbullying on a daily basis. IBTimesAu/Riza Ornos

Bullying can greatly affect your child physically, socially, and psychologically. This problem is rampant not only in school but also in the neighbourhood and even in the internet. In U.S. elementary schools alone, 19 percent of students are bullied based ona study by the Journal of School and Health. Protecting your child from it is your responsibility as parents. Here are some ways on how parents can help kids against bullying.

  1. Talk about bullying

It will be a great help if you talk to your kids about bullying and make them understand what it is all about, how can it happen, and why. This will make them aware about it and at the same time they’ll understand why it’s wrong to bully others. They will also know what to do in case they’re being bullied.

  1. Know your child’s friends

Getting to know the group of kids your child usually hang out with is also one way to help against bullying. Children love to play and be around their mates but sometimes, it can’t be denied that bullying can happen among them. By knowing your child’s friends, you can tell whether or not they’re good companions.

  1. Visit the school

There are many cases of bullying that happen in school that’s because they have limited number of adults around. Pay the school a visit, especially your child’s teachers to find out his or her behaviour. You can also ask them about programs or advocacies in line with bullying.

  1. Get your child involved in activities

A child who doesn’t have friends or performs poorly in school is more likely to be bullied. Boost your child’s confidence and encourage him or her to socialize more often by getting him or her involved in various school activities.

  1. Be an example

If you were a bully or someone who was a victim of bullying when you were younger, it’s time you set yourself as a good example to your child. Instil respect, understanding, patience and love even at a young age. Show how you get along with all kinds of individuals and how you handle problems correctly with family, colleagues and friends.

Parents can help kids against bullying by using the abovementioned tips. Don’t wait before your child turns into a bully or become a victim of one by doing the necessary precautions ahead of time.

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