One of the core aspects of Bungie’s hit-shooter “Destiny;” as with any other RPG, is levelling. Levelling allows the player to get new skills, equip new items and basically get stronger. It’s a painstaking process which requires constant grinding, but Bungie looks to make levelling easier with a new offer to players.

“Destiny” players can now spend a total of £24.99 to boost a character’s level, Eurogamer reports. The pricing for other regions including North America and Australia are yet to be revealed but it is likely to be adjusted from the European price. This means that players who are just starting up or who are starting a new character with a different class can get a head start in the game and save up a lot of game time. The booster packs are available in the game’s three character classes, Titan, Warlock and Hunter.

Although 25 levels is a huge jump for players, there’s still a 15 level gap to the level 40 cap “Destiny.” Players will still have a lot to do even when opting to buy the booster packs. It is recommended that players who are only starting the game should buy the booster packs as there will be no discount for higher-level players.

In other “Destiny” news, developer Bungie has revealed their future plans for the game after the massive Taken King expansion. There are plenty of plans up ahead for the game including an update to the game’s world and sandbox. Details about the Year Two of “Destiny” was revealed by Erik Osborne, the community manager at Bungie’s official site.

"The first of these early 2016 experiences will be on a scale close to Festival of the Lost. The second will be far larger than anything you’ve seen since the release of The Taken King. There’s also another significant update to the world and sandbox planned in this same window," said Osborne.

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