A transsexual contestant gets ready for the beauty pageant "Miss Trans Nuevo Leon" at a bar in Monterrey July 25, 2013. Eleven transsexuals competed in a beauty pageant to raise awareness and promote gender equality, according to local media. Pi
A transsexual contestant gets ready for the beauty pageant "Miss Trans Nuevo Leon" at a bar in Monterrey July 25, 2013. Eleven transsexuals competed in a beauty pageant to raise awareness and promote gender equality, according to local media. Picture taken July 25, 2013 REUTERS/Daniel Becerril (MEXICO - Tags: SOCIETY)
A transsexual contestant gets ready for the beauty pageant "Miss Trans Nuevo Leon" at a bar in Monterrey July 25, 2013. Eleven transsexuals competed in a beauty pageant to raise awareness and promote gender equality, according to local media. Picture taken July 25, 2013 REUTERS/Daniel Becerril (MEXICO - Tags: SOCIETY)

The owner of the brothel where slain, chopped and cooked Indonesian transsexual sex trade worker used to work said on Thursday that there were indicators that the union of 27-year-old Mayang Prasetyo and her Australian husband Marcus Volcke was in trouble.

Ivan Gneil, owner of the Pleasure Dome in Melbourne where Prasetyo worked for five years as a sex trade worker, told 9 News that he heard that the pair had a violent relationship.

"I knew she was unhappy. I knew he had assaulted her. I just thought to myself that if I was wise I could have seen that coming," Gneil said.

He also confirmed that Volcke was a male escort for two-and-a-half years in his brothel who went by the name Health XL and used being a chef as his cover.

Read: It's Not Only The Chopped Indonesian Tranny Who Was A Sex Trade Worker, But Also Her Aussie Husband-Killer

Investigators told Brisbane Times that the angle they are looking into the gruesome murder is it started as a domestic violence incident that escalated out of hand. To further understand the relationship of the couple, Detective Senior Sergeant Tom Armitt sought from people who knew the pair - believed to have met at a cruise ship where Volcker worked as a chef - to provide authorities with more information.

The mother of the victim disclosed that the two were married in Denmark in August 2013, although their friends believe their union is not legally binding because Prasetyo, born as Febri Andriansyah, was still legally a male when the wedding rite took place.

Authorities have spoken to relatives and friends of Volcke as well as health workers to uncover more information about the chef, whose corpse will be buried in Ballarat upon confirmation of his identity by the forensic examiner.

Prasetyo's remains will be sent to her family in Indonesia in southern Sumatra where it would be buried, Armitt said. Ahead of the repatriation of her remains, a candlelight vigil is scheduled on Friday, 5 pm, at the New Farm Park.

Read: Young Aussie Chef Kills Self After Chopping Body & Cooking Transgender-Wife In Chemicals

More about Mayang from her mother in this video.
