'Black Sails'
Actors Jessica Parker Kennedy, Luke Arnold and Zach McGowan (R) participate in the Starz "Black Sails" panel at the Television Critics Association (TCA) Winter Press Tour in Pasadena, California January 9, 2015. Reuters/David McNew

In preparation for the premiere of “Black Sails” Season 4, it is time to look back at some of the events of the past. The marketing team of the TV series has released videos to test the memory of the fans with videos of past events of the show.

[Spoiler alert]

It is time for the fans to prove how well they know their favourite Starz TV show. A new video posted on the official Facebook page of the TV series has a question related to the very first season of the TV series.

The plot of the first season heavily focussed on the gold that was onboard the Spanish ship Urca de Lima. It all started with John Silver (Luke Arnold) stealing the captain’s log that revealed the schedule of the ship, memorising it and later destroying it to protect himself from possible harm.

The pirate got the name Long John Silver for his long memory, which is expected to be further highlighted in “Black Sails” Season 4. However, in the first season, he had to earn the respect of his mates by proving his skills.

Silver was given a page from a book to memorise, to prove his capability. Arnold now asks the fans to try and recall who that book belonged to.

Credit: Facebook/ Black Sails

A previously released video had a similar test for Season 3. The video featured Luke Roberts (Woodes Rogers) asking the fans a difficult question of naming the ships in the British fleet that took on the pirates in the previous season. The fleet was engaged in a massive land and sea battle in the previous season.

Credit: Facebook/ Black Sails

“Black Sails” Season 4 promises more action. As the TV series heads towards a grand finale, the pirates will face off against the British soldiers one last time.