YouTube/SPH Razor

A 39-second video has gone viral in social media, showing a young woman aggressively berating a man, presumed to be her boyfriend, and assaulting him several times on the groin.

The couple appears to be Singaporean, based on their Asian looks, and the video was first posted in citizen Web site Since it was initially posted in 2010, the video has more than 8 million hits.

The video has also generated a lot of reaction from the public in various social media sites.

The incident reflect what was reported in early February by the New Zealand Police that from 2009 to 2014, number of male victims of violent sexual assaults ballooned to 710 from 480.

YouTube/Ashley Larsen

In contrast, female victims of the same offence rose by a smaller 3 per cent.

Part of the reason behind the very noticeable increase in number of male victims is there is more confidence among men to make public their experience, considered doubly shameful for man because the aggressor is the woman.

Also having made a change in the past few years is the different attitude of New Zealand police toward such incidents, which they used to dismiss in the past as a joke.

Trauma caused by the assault has caused some of the battered boyfriends or husbands to turn to substance abuse or commit suicide.