A frame grab from an undated home movie of Marilyn Monroe apparently smoking marijuana, retrieved from an attic some 50 years after it was filmed is released to Reuters December 1, 2009. The reel-to-reel silent, color film was recently purchased by collector Keya Morgan for $275,000 from the person who took the film, who has asked to remain anonymous. Morgan and the person who shot the film gave Reuters permission to use it in digital form. The copyright of the image will be put up for sale on eBay later this week. REUTERS/Handout/Keya Morgan (UNITED STATES ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY IMAGES OF THE DAY) NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS

Brandon Krenzler asked his daughter, 7-year-old MyKayla, to take marijuana after she was diagnosed with leukemia. Even though it was legal to use medical marijuana in Oregon where they live, it was highly controversial if marijuana should be used on children.

Marijuana was banned in most countries in the world, while there seemed to be thousands of people who support the same for its health benefits. They demand of legalizing marijuana, referring to the fact that alcohol was legal although alcohol caused more harm to a body than marijuana did. Here are some of the benefits.

Prevents Blindness

Marijuana was capable of preventing blindness caused by glaucoma. The eye disease can be prevented by using marijuana, as it decreased or lowered intraocular pressure. Glaucoma damaged optic nerves, which caused vision loss. The progression can be slowed down by using this drug.

Strengthens Lungs

A study showed that, contrary to popular belief, marijuana was capable of increasing lung capacity. Unlike tobacco, it was not something that impaired the functionality of lungs. Whereas a tobacco user lost his lung functionality over time, a pot user increased his.

Controls Epileptic Seizures

Another study in 2003 showed that marijuana was capable of preventing epileptic seizures. Marijuana extract, as well as synthetic marijuana, was given to some epileptic rats. The rats did not have any seizure for around 10 hours. Marijuana had an active ingredient called tetrahydrocannabinol. It controlled seizures, as it binded those brain cells which control excitability and regulate relaxation.

Decreases Anxiety

It was claimed that marijuana suppressed nausea and relieved pain. These were the chief reasons why marijuana was frequently used for relieving chemotherapy side effects. A recent study showed that marijuana, if taken in lower doses, improved mood, as it reduces anxiety.

Prevents Cancer

Marijuana has a certain chemical which prevented the spread of cancer cells. The chemical was called cannabidiol which turned off one gene (Id-1). Cancer cells used this gene to spread themselves throughout the body.

Here is a relevant CNBC video on YouTube uploaded by theREALdrugfacts.