The study on the mouth spray Sativex has been the talk of the town most recently as it can possibly change how withdrawals from marijuana are treated. And with all the buzz going about the prospects of the medicine, can this be the very thing that can push the legalization of cannabis?

With an estimated 200,000 people dependent on cannabis in Australia, and with one in ten people who tried the drug at least once in their lives having problems stopping its use, a possible way to manage withdrawals better would be invaluable.

With the withdrawal being the biggest problems among those who want to stop using cannabis, the study on Sativex could be the answer. But at the same time, since there is the possibility that the mouth spray can help in dealing with withdrawals, can it be the leverage that pro-cannabis need?

Professor Jan Copeland, director of the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre, doesn't think so. In an interview with International Business Times, she said that the study on the potentials of Sativex has nothing directly to do with the agenda of legalizing cannabis.

In fact, she noted that since Sativex is a superior delivery system for cannabinoids than smoking, it might actually reduce the need for herbal cannabis for medical use.

And when it comes to the issue that people can get away with cannabis since there is the possibility of easily going through the awful withdrawals, the NCPIC director said that rather than attracting new users to cannabis, the realities of dependence to it as well as withdrawals can fend off the idea of using it.

With that in mind, what are the actual symptoms of withdrawal from cannabis? Some of its terrible symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite and weight loss.

With people reportedly having slept for only four hours in three days, what makes the symptoms of cannabis withdrawal hard is that it takes up to a month to pass. Imagine not having to sleep or eat well for that long a period.

But with the study on Sativex on its way, Professor Copeland said to ABC News that she believes it will help people manage withdrawals better and will set cannabis users on the path to long-term abstinence.

Read the interview with Prof. Jane Copeland:

Sativex Maybe Key to Cannabis Withdrawal: The Director of the NCPIC Weighs in