The Australian Government now looking at onshore options for processing asylum seekers following the defeat of its amendments to the Migration Act in Parliament.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Immigration Minister Chris Bowen have both announced that asylum seekers will now be processed on the Australian mainland and in communities after the government was not able to secure the votes needed to pass its refugee swap deal with Malaysia.

Social service provider UnitingCare Australia welcomed the news, acknowledging that the move is a good solution.

According to UnitingCare National Director Lin Hatfield Dodds, on-shore processing and careful use of community options for accommodation can work for asylum seekers and for Australian communities.

“Out of what looked like a pretty dark moment in Australia’s history, the tangled politics around this issue has delivered a solution that we welcome,” Ms Hatfield Dodds said.

“The Government’s decision to look at on-shore options has delivered on community expectation that the Government will act to protect vulnerable people.

“Placing families and children in communities, where they have access to health and skills and education, prepares asylum seekers for a life in Australia or back in their country of origin, whatever the outcome of their bid for asylum.