KFC India serving fried chicken in boxes that can charge mobile phones [VIDEO]

Kentucky Fried Chicken has come up with what many consumers have either hoped for or dreaded: a takeaway box that can charge mobile phones. KFC India is giving their customers meal boxes with built-in mobile phone chargers called Watt a Box.
The Watt a Box packages come with a built-in power bank, adding “an element of utility” to what should normally be just carton boxes. Only a few customers at select stores in Mumbai and Delhi will get a chance to own their own Watt a Box. According to the Times of India, customers can also participate in an online contest on KFC India’s Facebook page to win one of the limited edition boxes.
YouTube/KFC India
“We launched the 5-in-1 Meal Box in March this year with the objective of providing an abundant complete meal and at an affordable price for our customers,” KFC India CMO Llius Ruiz Ribot said. “With the launch of Watt a Box, we have gone a step ahead and also introduced an element of utility into the box.
“Each one of us spends a considerable time on our smartphones daily, and the phone battery going dead is almost like a nightmare! No longer is that the case with the Watt a Box around.”
This isn’t the first time KFC has done something considered eccentric product.
Last month, KFC India tried serving edible serving bowls to make its products more eco-friendly. According to Mashable, The edible tortilla bowls, made from fried tortillas in special mould, replaced the plastic packaging used for Rice Bowlz, which are India-specific dish. They were introduced in two KFC stores in Bengaluru for a week, and could be introduced across the country, depending on the response.
In May, KFC Hong Kong has launched “finger-lickin’ good” edible nail polishes. Like the box charger, the nail polishes weren’t available for public purchase and were only provided as samples to the media.
Read more: KFC Hong Kong launches edible ‘finger-lickin’ good’ nail polishes that taste like chicken