"The Young and the Restless" (Y&R) is set to air an explosive episode on Nov. 10, 2014. Drama unfolds when secrets unveil and truth is uncovered. The upcoming segment revolves around popular couples of the show such as Billy (Burgess Jenkins), Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan), Adam Newman (Justin Hartley), Phyllis (Gina Tognoni), Jack (Peter Bergman) and more. Here are few spoilers from "The Young and the Restless" (Y&R) Monday episode. Read on to find out what happens next. [Warning: Spoilers Alert!]

In the last aired episode, some shocking developments took place. Nick learned the truth about Sharon's lies and Summer's paternity. This leaves him devastated and he breaks all ties with Sharon and her world falls apart.

Elsewhere, Phyllis makes a shocking discovery in Jack's desk. She finds a picture of Kelly Andrews and is determined to find out why is it there. Meanwhile, Kevin finds out that his brother Michael is terminally ill and suffering from cancer. He tries to convince him to reveal the news to Lauren and tell her about his condition. However, he refuses to do that.

Moving on to the Nov. 10 episode, TV Guide has presented a brief description. The synopsis suggests that fans must brace themselves for some of the most highly anticipated moments to be featured in the upcoming segments. According to media report, Chelsea finds out that someone is keeping an eye on her. It seems she discovers the spy camera installed in Connor's room.

Meanwhile, Billy tries to protect Jack by covering up for him. According to spoilers by Soap Central, Billy arrives at Jack's office when Phyllis is going through Jack's stuff and finds Kelly's picture. She questions Billy about how Kelly and Jack are related.

The report also reveals that during this week Jack will finally make a decision and choose one among the two women in his life. But before that Phyllis tries to look for more answers in Jack's phone. And it seems what she finds is going to leave her stunned.

According to We Love Soaps, Stitch and Maureen get into a heated argument. Victoria meets up with Nikki wherein the two discuss Stitch and his father's murder. Vikki concludes that Stitch is not the killer of his father.

Elsewhere, Adam Newman continues to spy on his wife and his kid Connor. However, he is not too happy looking at them because he finds Chelsea discussing his biggest enemy Billy with Connor.

The Young and the Restless" episode airs on Nov. 6, 2014 at 12:30 pm on CBS. For more spoilers read below:

'The Young And The Restless' (Y&R) Nov. 10-14 Spoilers: Find Out Who Is Victoria's Child's Father And Who Jack Picks Plus Someone Returns

The Young And The Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers For Nov. 5, 2014: Find Out What Happens When Adam Newman Returns To Genoa City

'The Young And The Restless' (Y&R) Spoilers For Nov. 6, 2014: Victoria And Billy Reconnect After Adam Newman Returns