Biographical films can sometimes make or break a director or an actor's career. Moviegoers expect the film to be 100 percent accurate from the person's physical appearance down to the details of his or her life.

This 2013, a total of eight biopics will hit movie theatres worldwide. The films will feature the lives of nine different people from an ordinary working class hero, activists to music legends and one royal princess.

Of course, the controversial lives of these personalities will never be excluded in the film and some of the actors who were chosen to portray their characters have also faced controversies for accepting the role.

Like in the case of actress Zoe Saldana, who was cast for the title role Nina, a biographical film about the life of the iconic singer and activist Nina Simone.

Zaldana received negative reactions from the black community stating that the actress is not "black enough" to portray Nina Simone and that she does not resemble the singer.

The point is that it's never always easy to please the audience and no matter how controversial the actor or the movie is, it's still a good publicity in order to promote the film to spark curiosity and draw moviegoers.

Click on the slideshow to see the biopics that are scheduled to hit movie theatres this 2013.