Perhaps one of the best Kickstarter projects as of late is Yacht Club Games' retro-style side scroller, “Shovel Knight.” The game itself is available on nearly all current platforms despite it still being an incomplete product. Recent developments sees developer Yacht Club Games looking to completely finish the game this 2016.

Yacht Club Games’ Ian Flood and David D’Angelo recently sat down with Nintendo Life and the duo has revealed the list of their plans for “Shovel Knight” this year. The two claimed that the goal for this year is to completely finish the game. What the pair means is that the Yacht Club Games is looking to release all of the add-on campaigns and other features before the year ends.

“Here are the things we still have lined up – Specter Knight campaign, King Knight campaign, Battle mode on consoles (not portables), and Gender Swap,” said Flood referring to the remaining stretch goals of Kickstarter backers. “That's fine that some backers are ok and moving on, not keeping a hot eye on it, but there are people still following it closely,” he added.

More specifically, Yacht Club Games is currently working on the Specter Knight campaign and Gender Swap feature after completing the features of the “Shovel Knight” amiibo. There’s no specific release date for the other campaigns and features as of now, but fans should expect a year’s worth of content updates from the company.

The pair then looked back at how far the game has come since its beginning in 2014. Just this year, “Shovel Knight” was released with physical copies for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. Furthermore, the game was made available on Steam, Android and iOS devices. This year, the developer released the first add-on campaign for "Shovel Knight" with the Plague of Shadows.