The stage is set for this action and adventure in an open urban world, and you as the leader of the Third Street Saints will explore the streets while performing missions in Saints Row: The Third.

Since money and respect is the name of the game, here are some easy cheat modes to help give you an easier life on the street.

Go on cheat mode

Whether you want more cash, weapons, or respect, going on cheat mode is a great way to do the trick. Cheat Code Central showcases 11 player ability cheats that can be useful throughout the game.

Note however, that the following cheats will disable achievements and auto saving, but you can manually save the game while the cheats are enabled.

First press Back to use the phone, and go to Extras. Choose Cheats, and enter any of the 11 codes to get what you need.

  1. For Money ($100,000), enter "cheese"
  2. For Weapons, enter "letsrock"
  3. For Golden Gun (one-hit kills), enter "goldengun"
  4. For Infinite sprint, enter "runfast"
  5. To avoid vehicle damage, enter "vroom"
  6. To repair car, enter "repaircar"
  7. To add respect, enter "whatitmeanstome"
  8. To add police notoriety, enter "pissoffpigs"
  9. For no police notoriety, enter "goodygoody"
  10. To add gang notoriety, enter "lolz"
  11. For no gang notoriety, enter "oops"

Face off with Professor Genki

If you need quick cash and want to face a bit of a fun challenge, why not face-off with Professor Genki? You can find him in Steelport holding a stun gun.

According to IGN, if you can kill him, you can easily get as much as $150,000 bonus. What's more, you can do this again (if you can still find him), and easily get the same amount of cash once you finish him off.

Of course, this doesn't mean it's going to be a walk in the park. His health is maxed out and he's not afraid to hit you below the belt--he will, if you're not careful.

Customize all non-customizable vehicles

Who says the game can dictate what you can and can't do with vehicles in-game? Here's a quick tip to customize any car, even those that are clearly labeled "non-custom," according to IGN.

Just go to Rim jobs and take out a customizable car customize. You can select any type of customization option. Go to garage option, which will bring up a list of vehicles that you can toy around with.

Try to find a non-custom car, and instead of pressing A, press B and accept. Now you can change the non-customizable vehicle of your choice.