Team Cena got the benefit of a Sting Operation Sunday at the Survivor series when one of the most decorated wrestlers of all time, Sting, crashed the party and reversed a sure-win for Team Authority. Complete with black leather trench coat, patented black and white make-up and "The Crow" theme as the entrance music, the sure-fire Hall of Famer provided the fireworks for the pay-per-event that culminated in a five-man match between Team Cena and Tam Authority.

On the line are the jobs and controlling power of superstar couple Triple H and Stephanie McMahon when their father Vince McMahon announced a couple of RAW episodes ago, that the duo would yield power to the good guys if the team lead by John Cena will triumph over Seth Rollins and company. Team Authority is being led by Seth Rollins and flanking him are heels Russian Rusev, Kane, Luke Harper and Mark Henry. Team Cena was grappling at straws early as their leader was ousted early leaving Dolph Ziggler to fend off against Kane, Harper and Rollins. What makes the task herculean was that Triple H even joined in on the action to ensure the victory.

After a series of takedowns, Ziggler astonishingly knocks out three of the Team Authority members to reduce the fight to a one on one with current best heel and former Shield member Rollins. Ziggler has the upper hand and has multiple opportunities to pin down Rollins, but Triple H intervenes for one last time and delivers a shattering Pedigree on the Team Cena member. With both men knocked out, Triple H puts his man Rollins on top of an equally unconscious and summons a referee to begin the count. After just the first count of the referee, "The Crow" music theme interrupts and a video of the Stinger plays in the huge projector.

Now, that is where the fun begins. Sting slowly walks toward the ring and delivers a crushing right punch to the referee summoned by Triple H. Upon entering the rope, he goes into a 15-second stare down with Triple H, with hordes of fans chanting "this is awesome." After Triple H initiates contact with the six-time WCW champion, Sting delivers his Scorpion Death Drop to eventually relieve team Authority from their power. Before leaving the stage, the Stinger rights the scene by putting Ziggler on top of Rollins while disappearing again into the darkness, just like that.

Watch the heavily anticipated debut of the former WCW talent below:

(Youtube/JD Watts)