The World Wrestling Entertainment got its money's worth during the Night of Champions.

Many were sceptical of the line-up of matches especially the re-pitting of John Cena and Brock Lesnar. To make matters worse, Roman Reigns was pulled from the roster just a day due to an incarcerated hernia. Fans of wrestling's next big thing will have to wait three months before he graces the ring again though optimistic estimates puts his timetable to just 4 to 6 weeks.

Reign's replacement did not disappoint one bit. Dean Ambrose's return to the scene was one of the highlights of the night. Ambrose took on Seth Rollins with a bang, not disappointing with the take-on-all-comer challenge from Rollins. His entrance was one for ages, rolling into the stage in a taxicab with the fight spilling into the crowd.

The animosity between the two was too intensified that Triple H and Stephanie had to step in and order security to break up the tussle. Ambrose could not be restrained as he even grabbed a chair and pummelled Rollins with it. Only after a number of security stepped in and placed handcuffs on him, reminiscent of Stone Cold Steve Austin's heydays.

The U.S. title match between Sheamus and Cesaro did not let down either as both fighters had great chemistry and fought the title fight resembling the main event.

Sheamus prevailed in this one with his famed Brogue Kick but nobody can knock on Cesaro for not trying. The Divas triple threat did not take a pass either as the match had a surprise ending. Prior to this, many are predicting that Nikki Bella would prevail in the three way match or that Paige would just retain her belt. But alas, it is AJ Lee who walks away with the win.

With some of the matches being a letdown (The Usos vs. Gold and Stardust, Mark Henry vs. Rusev), it was up to Cena and the Beast Incarnate to save the show.

With the Monday Night Raw lead-up, the baby faced assassin was every bit of a contender in this one. His performance early on tipped the scales in his favour and many were wondering if he could pull of the upset. Lesnar was up to the task himself as he showed he has different arsenals that he can pull from his sleeve and not just the stare you to death persona that he has been famous of. Rollins interfered in the end that led to the disqualifcation of Lesnar but WWe declared that he still reigns as the heavy weight champion.

While this still looked all too familiar just like the previous fight, but the cash-in tease and disqualification raised the bar in this one. All in all, the Night of Champions had more highlights than low points as it tried to compete with the allure of other shows.