Advertising has stretched its reach to include the potentials of upcoming gadgets like the Google Glass as well as shock factor tactics that have surprisingly worked over time. But Japanese women are taking it to the next level with legs-for-rent advertising.

Yes, Japan, known for the most outrageous fashion, advanced technology, and a very bubbly culture has now given meaning to maximum exposure in advertising.

According to Daily Mail, businesses all over Japan are jumping the trend of advertising using women's bare legs to promote their products. Using temporary and colorful stick-on tattoos, Japanese women stick them on their bare legs before stepping out to do their usually daily business around town.

Supposedly, the idea behind this campaign takes the literal view of putting advertising where people tend to pay attention to. And, in Japan, there is just something about the thigh area that makes people stop and stare. Just look at the various media-from TV to Japanese manga-that abound with references and even entire plot lines to this particular body part.

Opposing Views reports that these women register to be a part of the advertising campaign, and, when chosen, they have to wear a mini skirt or shorts so they can get as much leg exposure as possible.

This means working that temp tattoo like you would any clothing line-only this time, your catwalk is the entire city of Japan, and your aim is capture people's attention with your legs.

Absolute Territory PR, the company behind this ingenious move, is said to have registered 1,300 women, but the search for ad space doesn't stop there, reports Daily Mail.

Another aspect of the women's jobs is to post photos of themselves on their social media accounts. After all, there are audiences online, so why not tap into that sphere as well?

According to Opposing View, the women are paid somewhere between $13 to as much as $128 just for parading in miniskirts or high socks. Even with the seemingly fetishistic nature of the campaign, there's an assurance that no ethical guidelines are crossed because the women should be over 18 years old to participate.

Eichi Atsumi of the service company said to Rocket News 24, "We hope registered members will have fun taking part in this."

The fad has even had American rock band Green Day interested in the idea, as they tried out this technique to promote their album ¡Uno! for its Japanese release.