Angry Birds has gotten a spinoff focused on bad pigs called Bad Piggies and it is currently in Windows Phone.

The game was released for iPad and iPhone in the last quarter of 2012. Then it had substantial upgrades ever since, all of which were part of its release in Windows Phone.

No less than from the creators of Angry Birds, Bad Piggies was the winner of "Best Mobile Game of 2012" of In Game Name (IGN). It has been a favorite of many who dubbed it as fun and challenging (Kotaku).

Yahoo and BGR said watching a pig driving an ugly car out a cliff to a pile of dynamite is enjoyable. The ultimate goal is to drive the pigs to the eggs safely. Bad Piggies has 200 levels of puzzles and vehicular hijinks, which you can open if you earn all the three stars in each level.

The game inverts the concept from the Angry Birds to the horrible pigs. The player has to build very absurd and complicated vehicles to get around the swine around levels. Bad Piggies uses several Physics works from Amazing Alex harnessing wings, propellers, balloons and springs to bring the pigs to the next level.

When the bad pigs are after the eggs, they usually cannot go according to the plan. It's your role to make some flying cars to safely steer them to their destination.

Though the pigs have some stuff they can use, they need you to turn objects into great useful transportation. The game has 170 levels, free updates coming in and hours of pig exploding, flying fun and crashing. Experienced gamers give a hint that you have to play the level more to achieve the objectives so you can build a device to earn the stars.

Featuring eight sandbox levels to put your creativity to test, ultra difficult but special sandbox levels to unlock plus 36 objects to create vehicles from, Bad Piggies game is not about bad flying pigs, but a great gaming experience.

Parents should be aware though that Bad Piggies is for 13 years old and older as this contains links to other Web sites. Thus, it can take the player from the game and browse other Web pages. It also contains ads from select partners and option for in-app buys.

Bad Piggies has a free version that comes with ads. It may require Internet connection to play and may apply subsequent data charges. Windows Phone Store sells it at $0.99.