Who says writing a bucket list is only for the sick and the dying? Apparently this is not the case for Youtube user ProjectOneLife whose real name is Matt Bray from Naperville, Illinois.

His latest video accomplishment was listed on his bucket list No. 117: Complete 100 days of dance which he did to the famous tune of Jamiroquai's "Canned Heat." He uploaded the video of his victory on YouTube and it has already amassed more than 1.9 million views and over 22,000 likes in just a matter of three days.

According to the description of the viral video, Matt thinks that the idea was cool. "The reason this was on the bucket list was because i thought it was a really cool, unique idea that i came up with and i wanted to make sure i saw it through, so I popped it on the bucket list to guarantee that i would complete it."

Why 100 days? Matt explained on his video description that the time lapse video technically took 120 days to finish but 100 days sounds better. "I wanted to do something along the lines of take a picture of myself everyday for a year but different. I eventually came up with the idea of 100 days of dance, I really didn't want to do this for a year so i thought 100 days seemed pretty good."

Matt set up a GoPro camera on his cabinet and recorded himself dancing his butt to the same dance over and over again every single day for the next 120 days. He then spliced and edited the daily videos by one second each and compiled it into an awesome time lapse video.

By dancing the same butt kicks, arm actions, and body routine, the video flow seemed like a continuous dance move. Viewers will just notice the hilarious attire changes, the additional things at the sides like laptop being charged, mobile phone etc, and the lightning changes throughout the dance.

"Overall it was pretty fun dancing every day and this was one of my more unique ideas and I'm pretty glad how it turned out," Matt stated.

What a way indeed to check off a bucket list!

Watch the viral video on YouTube.

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