Father and daughter
The video “What Fathers Think About Boyfriends,” posted by Fail Army, has reached 42.5 million views on Facebook. Facebook/Fail Army

Arguments between dads and their daughters – especially those that deal with the opposite sex – are not new, but a viral video puts a new spin on this long-standing debate.

In the video, titled “What Fathers Think About Boyfriends,” a father is having such discussion with his young daughter, who’s around five or six years old, while they are inside a vehicle. The clip opens with the daughter declaring, “I’ll get a boyfriend. I want to have a boyfriend.” Her dad’s response was simple, yet direct to the point: “Daddy will break his legs.”

Before she could even argue her point, her dad went on with yet another bombshell. “Your boyfriend’s daddy… Daddy will take him hostage and keep him in a cupboard,” he reveals. The young girl pauses for a bit, and she seems to wonder how she’ll make some sense from her father. “Dad, listen,” she calmly but determinedly says. “I want a boyfriend and I’m getting a boyfriend.”

However, her dad shows no signs of backing down. “You’re not getting a boyfriend,” he asserts. His next lines elicit a shocked face from the young girl, complete with her mouth open wide. “You’re going to be a nun. You’re going to work for Jesus.” He takes out a crucifix necklace from inside his shirt and points at it. “This is who you’re going to work for. End of story,” he concludes.

The video, uploaded by Fail Army on its Facebook page, seems to be close to heart to a number of social media users. It has, to date, earned more than 42 million views and more than 600,000 shares. It also generated mixed reactions from Facebook users – some were entertained with the father-and-daughter banter, while some panned the dad and raised the subjects of parenting issues and women empowerment, among others.

Others were quick to point out their opinions on the viral video. Facebook user Mike Steele wrote, “This post should have no negativity for comments. It is a dad who is just joshing with his daughter. Do we have to ruin everything (?) Just because we are free to speak doesn't mean we have to...shhhhh hahahahha... That simple. ”

Jay R Escobar, on the other hand, commented, “Just waiting for the party poopers who will take it too seriously and make a whole sociological analysis about the risks of making this kind of jokes. ” Meanwhile, user Robyn DeJong VanderSys shared, “Reading these comments just blows my mind- why are so many of you over-analyzing this?! Fun banter between a dad and his daughter. Wow people get offended easily these days! ”

Here are a couple of other comments from those who saw the video:

From Melissa Jarvi: “This is awesome. I would totally say this if I had a daughter. Hell I tell my son all the time he can't have a gf until he's 30. Lol I know that won't happen but I still say it. And ppl Who think this man is horrible. I think this is awesome parenting why. He is showing her she doesn't need any kind of man in her life. She needs the Lord in her life. Granted him saying she is gonna be a nun is funny as heck. Who knows maybe she will become a nun. Y'all take things too seriously nowadays jeez.”

From Tee Mouthy Kng: “Ok the thing a lot of people seem to ignore is this. The little girl is not afraid to voice her opinion, not afraid to argue, to stand up for herself, to disagree.. Do you all know where a child gets that kind of confidence from?? That's right from the absolute certainty that her parents love is not vulnerable. Her parents have instilled the belief in her that she deserves to be heard. The argument/playful joke itself is irrelevant, she is voicing dissent and doing so articulately. Therefore the parents are obviously doing a good job. ”

Source: Facebook/Fail Army

The video has been flooded with more than 128,000 comments so far.