The rescue of Lily Groesbeck
The rescue of Lily Groesbeck YouTube/Police Center - News & Pursuits

Police in the US claimed they heard a desperate woman’s voice from a submerged car, only to find out there was no one there but an infant child. The mysterious voice has led the officers from the Spanish Fork Police Department in Utah to believe in miracles.

In March 2015, police rushed to a scene where a red Dodge hatchback was turned over after falling off a bridge wall. The vehicle landed upturned in the shallow part of a river. It was out of sight of other vehicles and passers-by, and was only discovered by a fisherman about 14 hours later.

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Four police officers arrived to help the victims inside. One of the officers was wearing a body camera, which recorded the dramatic scene. According to Officer Tyler Beddoes, they could hear a desperate plea from a woman trapped inside.

“We could see a person in the front seat and then we heard a voice saying, ‘Help me, we’re in here.’ It was clear as day,” the Mirror quoted him as saying.

However, the woman inside the vehicle was already dead. The only other trapped occupant inside was the woman’s 18-month-old girl, who was unconscious. Lily, who was still strapped in her baby seat on the backseat, was just inches away from the surface of the water. She was immediately given CPR and rushed to the hospital, where she later regained consciousness. She suffered from hypothermia but has survived.

According to the police, 25-year-old Jennifer Groesbeck died the night before the rescue when she lost control of the car. It was impossible for her to call out for help.

“For two nights I’ve laid awake trying to figure out exactly what it could be. All I know is it was there, we all heard it,” Beddoes insisted. “It was extra motivation.”

In the video uploaded on YouTube, there was a faint woman’s voice asking for help that can be heard before the police officer wearing the body cam told her they were coming. The voice was muffled and weak in the video, though YouTube commenters agreed they heard the woman’s voice just before the 2:00 mark.

“I was watching this listening with my earphones in. Honestly there is a female voice you can hear say, ‘please help us,’ and right after you hear the voice, the police officer says hold on we’re coming,” YouTube commenter iluvsamnathan4life wrote. “I believe the mother’s spirit stayed with her baby to make sure she was rescued.”

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YouTube/Police Center – News & Pursuits