The seventh installment of the "Star Wars" franchise created by George Lucas is set out to be released on December 18, 2015 with news on a new villain. Fans of the sci-fi series are raring for the new addition since the last "Star Wars" movie last October 2012. The new villain for "Episode VII" is still not clearly defined but it may be the likes of Darth Vader and several actors have been screened for the role by the famous director J.J. Abrams.

News on the latest installment of the "Star Wars" saga is infrequent as the production team is set to give out as little information to fans in order to keep the hype alive. However, according to a report from Variety the franchise has chosen Adam Driver as the new film's villain. Driver stars in the hit comedy series "Girls" from HBO as Adam.

"Episode VII" will be a continuation of "Episode VI: Return of the Jedi" but the plot of the film is still not released to the public. The schedule for filming of the new movie instalment will begin in May 2014 at Pinewood Studios. The crew might finish filming the said film in September and ready for the big screen In December 2015.

Driver was not able to decide readily in accepting the film as he is already committed to his show on HBO. It is not only for the current season of "Girls" but also for other future seasons as it might be in the same schedule as that of the upcoming instalments of the "Star Wars" saga.

However, there might have been some negotiations and the scheduling issue may have already been resolved and Driver might be coming in to close the deal soon. As the filming schedule is fast approaching, the scouting for other casts of the latest Lucasfilm is being made and more news on the major roles might be released to the waiting public.

The epic space opera saga is kept alive even with the long interval between the first trilogy and the second trilogy because of the massive fan base that franchise has maintained through TV, comics, books, and videogames, according to Wikipedia.