Participants Of An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Tour
People look at the night sky using night vision goggles during an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) tour in the desert outside Sedona, Arizona February 14, 2013. Picture taken February 14, 2013. Reuters/Mike Blake

A video has been caught that shows a UFO shooting along the surface of the moon. Two parts of the video have been released on YouTube.

According to UFO Sightings Daily, Crrow777, a YouTube user captured the video and uploaded it. In his YouTube page, he said that he shot videos only through an HD camera as well as through an 8 inch telescope.

At one point of time in the video, the UFO did not move in a straight line. But objects in orbit do move in a straight line so the website dedicated to UFO Sightings said that the UFO was not a lunar nor was it in the orbit of the Earth. The site claimed that this incident provided evidence that aliens exist on the moon and have a base there.

Crrow777 claimed that the object on the moon not flying in a straight line was slightly usual. He said that it was the first time that he was filming an object that was not flying in a perfectly straight line and that it could mean the object was not in the orbit of the Earth.

Crrow777's YouTube page is dedicated to capturing videos of UFOs. His channel is named Crrow777 UFO Channel Trailer. In the channel's description, Crrow777 had pledged that he would not run deceptive or misleading clips. He also said that he would make use of the equipment that he had to shoot high quality footage of UFO and anomaly.

The two videos put together had garnered about 200 comments with almost 8,000 views in total. Here is a look at the various comments posted by YouTube users:

kevin bauer: Thank-you for the upload and all the work you put into filming these "Objects" for us Crrow and Crrowette. I am really curious to find out more of what those black objects are. Military? Alien?? I am confident you will be instrumental in finding out exactly what they are. Great job my Friends,look forward to your next post.

cdbfort: great footage, and editing Crwow. Your work is setting the mark for unprecedented investigative viewing into the anomalies that surround our moon.

Video Source: YouTube/Crrow777

Video Source: YouTube/Crrow777