When you mention the name "Emma" in Hollywood, there could only be two options, Emma Stone or Emma Watson.

Both actresses are equally beautiful in their own rights but have completely different personas when it comes to their genre of films. While the other evolved from a young adorable wizard, the other sparked the interest of her audience with her wit and those big precious eyes.

Although they share the name, they both have unique qualities that separate them from the rest of the young actresses in Hollywood. Emma Watson is clearly identified as "Hermione Granger," the smart young wizard and one of the lead casts in all of the Harry Potter films.

Meanwhile, Emma Stone goes the other way with her romantic comedy movies such as "Easy A" and "Crazy Stupid Love." She has also starred in the movie "The Amazing Spiderman" with her real life boyfriend, Andrew Garfield.

Although they started in more "cutesy" roles, the two have both taken steps to transform themselves into better actresses. Watson and Stone have been working on more mature projects that clearly highlight their talent and versatility as serious actresses.

Emma Watson stars in breakthrough films such as "Perks of Being a Wallflower" and "The Bling Ring." Emma Stone on the other hand is star in the movie "Gangster Squad" and "The Help."

Regarding their love life, Emma Watson has always been private about her relationships and the same can be said about Stone who keeps the details of her relationship with Garfield under wraps.

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