The world is full of places that any person caught with the travel bug would like to visit. From the ancient temples of China to the Pyramids of Giza to the beautiful beaches in Asia and the Caribbean, there are just so many places to fly to. While some tourists know the importance of historic structures and are respectful of their surroundings while abroad, there are some who aren't as nice.

Below are the worst tourists in the travel industry's most recent history.

1. The Columbian Annoying a British Guardsman

Stone-faced British Guardsmen are known for not reacting to anything. These trained soldiers, aside from having served in the British military, can keep their cool even in front of giggling tourists. But one guardsman lost his cool as a Columbian tourist started mimicking him. It did not occur to the Columbian that Guardsmen deserve respect.

2. British Tourists Stealing a Penguin

The British are very polite most of the time but three tourists from the UK broke into Sea World Australia and decided to steal a penguin. They stole Dirk, a fairy penguin. According to sources, they also swam with dolphins. Their escapades were posted on Facebook.

What happened to Dirk? He was found in a beach nearby and was returned to Sea World the next day.

3. 15-Year-Old Chinese Who Scratched His Name on a Hieroglyph

Ding Jinhao and his parents went to Egypt to see temples and hieroglyphs including a 3,000-year-old ancient carving. The carving that survived 3,000 years of the elements, earthquakes, and wars took a bit of damage courtesy of Ding Jinhao's idea of scratching his name on it. Written in Chinese, Ding Jinhao etched "Ding Jinhao was here."

Ding's mother told a paper in Nanjing, China that she would like to "apologise to the Egyptian people."

4. The Drunk Norwegian in Rome

A drunk Norwegian was on his way back to Oslo when he passed out at the Fiumicino Airport. The 36-year-old tourist reportedly passed out right on the luggage belt and slept for a bit.

He even did not stir when he passed through an X-ray scan, according to Thrillist.