Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart made a lot of their fans and followers feel all romantic with the past holidays due to the gifts they have given each other and the time they have spent just to be in each other's arms for New Year's eve.

No matter how serious looking these two young celebrities are, it can make fans amazed when they get to see their wacky side, proving they are humble individuals despite the huge success they have achieved.

Kristen Stewart, being the rocker girl she is in real life, has been seen in previous images playing around the camera with her wacky facial expressions. Hence, it surely will not surprise her a lot if her on and off screen love Robert Pattinson would do the same.

On second thought, this humorous side of the pair may be one of the best elements that made the two right for each other. But of course, fans can only dream as far as they can since the two 'Twilight' stars are still way too young at present.

Robert Pattinson is admired by a lot of girls not just for his gorgeous looks but because of his genuine spirit and humorous side that is not always common to be observed in majority of the celebrities in Hollywood.

Check out the many wacky faces of Pattinson he made in the peak of his stardom in the slideshow


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