Women fiction has more to it, than chicklets and self help guides. We by any means are saying that this genre of writing is not worth it but there is more to women fiction than hot male and female protagonists obsessed with sex or for that matter obsessed with shoes and dresses.

It has hard to ignore to fact that there have been women based fiction which have had left a strong impact on history of literature and feminism.

The women fiction ranges from female protagonists moving out of bad marriages, finding their dreams to commentaries on the women of different religion and how they have broken the obstacles of society and com out shining.

Here is a list of top 10 books which we think celebrate women hood in real sense, not only do they take women seriously but also are difficult to put down.

The Feminine Mystique', Betty Friedan (50 Years): This book ask a woman to get away from the urban ennui and find life beyond her family and kids. Friedan was a pioneering feminist of 1950 and this book is brilliant in every sense.

The Namesake: Written by Indian American author Jhumpa Lahiri, the book brings to you a women's quest to find her identity and how she comes to terms with the varied cultures and traditions she is subjected to.

The Help: Told from the point of view of three African American woman, this is a story of Afro-American maids working in white households in Mississippi in the 1960s, about their struggles and their need to get accepted.

The Complete Persepolis', Marjane Satrapi: The acclaimed comic strip is a coming of age story of Satrapi 's childhood ,an ardent girl who lives in Tehran and is growing up amidst the disturbing Islamic Revolution.

Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit', Jeanette Winterson: A semi-autobiographical account of the author herself , this book is about an adopted lesbian daughter. This would move you to tears and laughs.